Marine Notice No. 17 of 2013
The Irish Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Ireland (DTTAS) has issued the Marine Notice No. 17 regarding minor amendments to Ship Security Plans and on-board retention of Security Records.
All Ships Masters, Ship Owners, Operators and Managers, Company Security Officers, Ship Security Officers and Recognised Security Organisations are advisedthe followingprocedures relating to minor amendments to Ship Security Plans and on-board retention ofSecurity Records, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 and the InternationalShip and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).
1. With immediate effect, there is no requirement to inform the Marine Survey Office ofminor amendments to ship security plans.
Such minor amendments include amendments to contact details of shippingcompany personnel, and may also include other minor adjustments to the text.
Minor amendments are such that the structure, scope and implementing measurescontained in the plan are not amended.If in any doubt the company security officer should contact the Marine Survey Officefor further guidance.
All amendments should be recorded appropriately.
2. The Department would also like to advise that, with immediate effect, the minimumperiod for the retention of security records on board (relating to drills, exercises, declarations of security, etc.) is reduced to three years.
To view the Marine Notice No. 17, click here.
Source:The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS)