The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) launched its third edition of guidelines on the ILO Maritime Labour Convention. The guidelines contain practical advice, information and key learnings from industry bodies at the heart of the shipping community.
Mainly, the third edition has the additions below:
- Mandatory arrangements for the provision of financial security to address cases of seafarer abandonment.
- Changes to employment agreements to address piracy.
- Measures to prevent harassment and bullying.
- New ICS/ International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welfare guidelines.
- Implementation of health and safety provisions.
Natalie Shaw, Director of Employment Affairs at ICS commented that the new guidelines provide a full framework to help the industry better understand how the MLC works. She continued that companies could also base their policies and procedures on the MLC, while also incorporate them in their working practices.
This edition replaces the previous (2012) edition and:
- Addresses the wide range of MLC provisions including seafarers’ contractual arrangements, manning agencies, working hours, health and safety, crew accommodation, catering standards, and seafarers’ welfare;
- Contains detailed advice on the MLC requirement for ships to maintain a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC), including linkages to the ISM Code;
- Takes account of the inspection processes and procedures used by PSC authorities since entry into force in 2013;
- Covers the very latest MLC amendments and ILO guidance adopted since 2013 with respect inter alia to financial security and repatriation to prevent abandonment, changes to employment agreements to address piracy, training of ships’ cooks, implementation of occupational health and safety provisions, and measures to prevent harassment and bullying.
In addition, ICS Guidelines contain helpful information on common issues arising from the inspection processes and procedures used by various port State control (PSC) authorities in addition to support materials developed by various parties, including the International Labour Organization (ILO) and ITF. Concluding, the section on welfare provision has been fully updated in line with increasing digitalisation and the changes in technology that affect the seafarer’s workplace. As informed, this latest edition on the MLC guidelines by ICS costs £115 per copy.