Women’s Forum to help bring more women into the industry
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) has officially launched a Women’s Forum conference component during the IAPH Mid-term Conference/Board Meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, last month. Prior to the official launch on May 23rd, IAPH Long Range Planning & Review Committee had extensively debated about how it could best facilitate a dialogue focused on networking and professional development of women in IAPH and across the global maritime industry where less than 10 women hold top port director positions.
“This is a professional development and networking opportunity that everyone on the board felt very strongly about,” said IAPH President and Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Geraldine Knatz, Ph.D. “Many of the executive teams at IAPH member ports have talented female executives, and IAPH is an ideal organization to help facilitate dialogue opportunities among them. I think that’s a strong initial step for an industry dominated by men.”
Convening in Jerusalem on May 22, the IAPH Board of Directors welcomed this initiative and fully endorsed the launch of a Women’s Forum to help bring more women into the industry. The Board further authorized the Women’s Forum to create a platform for discussing women’s issues in the maritime industry, ways to encourage women to join the industry and to promote training programs enabling women to better compete for positions at all levels, including those previously not open to women.
The Women’s Forum, with the support of IAPH, is also expected to reach out and collaborate with ports around the world, U.N. organizations, other maritime entities, other women’s professional organizations and other organizations that engage in the advancement and empowerment of women. The Women’s Forum is open to both IAPH members and non-IAPH members alike, and it is expected that IAPH will extend a financial assistance toward training women in ports through provision of scholarship. About IAPH Founded in 1955, the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) is a nonprofit global alliance of roughly 200 ports and 150 maritime companies and institutes representing about 90 countries.
The IAPH is dedicated to fostering cooperation among ports and harbors and promoting the vital role they play in creating a peaceful, more prosperous world. Based in Tokyo and recognized as the only voice speaking for ports around the globe, the IAPH has Consultative NGO Status from the United Nations and is active in developing international trade and maritime policy. IAPH member ports handle about 80 percent of world container traffic and more than 60 percent of all international maritime trade.
Source: IAPH