Human Rights at Sea announced that it expands its global flagship programme to include investigation and recording of missing fishers at sea cases. The updated and re-titled ‘Missing Seafarers and Fishers Reporting Programme’ is a reflection of the increasing scope of the charity’s flagship programme established in January 2014 originally focused on identifying missing seafarers.
David Hammond, CEO, HRAS said:
“Due to the number of cases being submitted to the international database and which include cases of fishers lost at sea, the charity has decided to positively respond to this trend and adapt the programme accordingly.”
The Programme’s Mission is to support seafarers, fishers and their families by the registration, tracking, investigation and advocacy on behalf of those missing at sea through a secure mobile on-line platform. That platform is known as the Missing Seafarer & Fisher Register. The Aim of the Programme, through the use of the Missing Seafarer & Fisher Register, is to build an accurate international database detailing the status of seafarers and fishers missing at sea on a global basis. The Vision is to become the focal international database for recording missing seafarers and fishers.
Source: HRAS