MAIB Accident Report No 18/2013 – Very Serious Marine Casualty
MAIB has issued Accident Report No.18 regarding a very serious marine casualty when a crewman injured while securing a tug’s tow wire on board the bulk carrier Wah Shan, on October 2012. The coastguardadvised that the quickest means ofevacuating the casualty was for thevessel to carry on and berth as soonas possible. Wah Shan berthed atImmingham at 0804 and a paramedicboarded immediately to examine thecarpenter, Mr Wang Ji-Yue. Mr WangJi-Yue was pronounced dead at 0815.The post-mortem report concluded thathe had died from a fractured neck.
The investigation found that:
- the risksinvolved in securing the tug’s tow wirehad not been properly considered;
- the aft mooring party used poorseamanship practices and did notfunction as an effective team;
- and theconfiguration of the aft mooring deck1Capesize is the term normally used to definethe size of large bulk carriers in excess of100,000 dwt.did not provide an obvious methodof heaving up the towline safely.
Thefactors resulted in the crew adopting anunsafe method for heaving the tow lineon board, which ultimately resulted inthe fatal injury to the carpenter.