ERMA FIRST has published a new whitepaper Alternative Maritime Power: The Key to Greener Ports, which presents alternative maritime power solutions as the key to greener ports as the regulatory landscape increasingly favours shore power capabilities.
The paper offers an in-depth review of the environmental and operational benefits of shore power. It outlines the impact of air pollution from ports on local communities and the surrounding environment and the level of pollution generated by vessels at berth, also providing a summary of the rapidly changing regulatory frameworks that require ships and ports to have shore power capabilities. The paper goes on to discuss shore power as an alternative fuel, highlighting the need for standardisation, the basic architecture required and system variations.
Interest in Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) – or cold-ironing – solutions has continued to gather pace as efforts to reduce emissions remains a top priority for the shipping sector. When at berth and running diesel-fuelled auxiliary engines to power the hotel load, a vessel emits a harmful combination of pollutants. They include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and particulate matter – all of which are known to contribute to poor air quality and to have a negative impact on health and the environment.
To help achieve the industry’s decarbonisation goals and protect local communities and ecosystems, ship owners, managers and ports need to start taking the necessary steps towards ensuring shore power connections are available worldwide.
… said Dimitris Tsoulos, BLUE CONNECT Director at ERMA FIRST