CPMR calls for changes in maritime rules
The post Erika trial was the focus ofdebatein the European Parliament as part of the Seas and Coastal Areas Intergroup.
This event was attended by representatives of the Commission, the European Parliament, regional authorities and NGOs, and examined the consequences that the ruling handed down by the French Court of Justice might have at European and international level on the Erika trial, especially with regard to covering environmental damage to the marine environment.
Following the Erika judgment in France, the Conference Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) calls for necessary compensate for environmental damage at international and European level. Several solutions exist, including a change in the CLC Convention (International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage) and IOPC Funds schemes (International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds), the introduction of a special international or EU fund, changes to the European Directive on environmental liability and the convergence of case law and national legislation. Through the Erika IV initiative, the CPMR calls on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Union to act to ensure the ongoing improvement of maritime safety.
“With the Erika ruling, regional and local authorities were recognised as victims of environmental damage, and as such were able to obtain compensation. We must now move forward by changing international and European rules along these lines. At the same time, we need to speed up and simplify procedures for compensating victims,” said Pierre Karleskind, s peaking at the meeting on behalf of the Conference Peripheral Maritime Regions.