The organisations along port of Amsterdam have collaborated into creating a Brexit campaign website ‘www.getreadyforbrexit.eutogether’. Via this website, exporters and importers can see what it is needed in order to transmit their cargo to and from the UK. The website is the starting signal of the international information campaign to guide the entire logistics chain in the run-up to the Brexit.
Specifically, the website will inform and activate all parties interested in the logistics chain.
In order to make it user-friendly, the website has a ‘customer journey’ in which it is presented step by step the actions to be taken for one to import and export rapidly, from Dutch portd, after March 29, 2019.
In addition, after Brexit, imports and exports through Dutch ports to the UK seem more attractive.
Iwan van der Wolf, Portbase director noted that
As a national Port Community System, Portbase has a coordinating role in making the necessary mutual agreements and developing the required IT process.
He continued stating that many things have been achieved. Yet, there’s no sit back, since everyone expects the changes of Brexit.
Moreover, Brexit creates a new relationship between the Netherlands and the UK for their logistics chain.
In order for the Dutch port solution to be efficient, every link in the logistics chain must participate and prepare in time.
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From exporter, importer, forwarder and customs agent to carrier, terminal, shipping company, shipbroker and ferry operator. Each party has a task and responsibility.
The initiators of the website are Portbase, port enterprise organization Deltalinqs, interest groups FENEX, evofenedex and Transport and Logistics Netherlands / AFTO.
Along with the Dutch Customs, the port companies of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the ferry operators and the shortsea terminals, they have been working since September 2019 on one Dutch chain solution for Brexit in Dutch ports that complies with European legislation.
Concluding, the features for this approach provide 100% digital and automated handling of customs formalities, with optimal reuse of data. All information advances the load. Both for shortsea and ferry traffic, one entrance is created for all terminals. In this way smart supervision of Customs is possible, with minimal infringement of the process.