USCG investigates the oil spill occurred on Sunday in the vicinity of the 577-foot cargo ship, MOL’s Istra Ace and continues clean-up efforts. The USCG says the spill in the Port of L.A., which was linked to MOL vessel Istra Ace, may have been caused by faulty piping on board the ship.
The ship was reported to have been leaking heavy fuel in the Cerritos channel at Berth 198, after an initial investigation revealed faulty piping that may have allowed oil to leak from the starboard side of the ship. Oil was also observed throughout portions of Cerritos Channel, where booming strategies have been employed.
The responsible party has contracted with the National Response Corporation Environmental Services and other sub-contractors to assist in efforts to contain, clean and recover the oil. An additional 1,600 feet of boom has been deployed since the initial 15,600 feet of boom that currently surrounds the vessel as well as critical points in the channel. The boom has successfully contained the oil within the affected area preventing further contamination of the harbor.
The safety zone issued by the Coast Guard, restricting recreational and commercial vessel traffic in the affected area has been reduced , after clean-up efforts continue to show progress. These reductions will allow access to areas of the port previously restricted and also continue to ensure that vessels do not impede clean-up operations and avoid any possible contamination.
Source:USCG News