A large scale, carbon dioxide (CO2) injection system from Hyundai Heavy Industries Group (HHI) has been awarded approval in principle by ABS, allowing development of an offshore floating geological storage platform.
The one-million-ton injection system will allow for offshore CO2 storage in geological formations under the ocean floor and more than doubles the previous injection capacity, supporting development of the carbon value chain and global decarbonization goals.
Net zero cannot realistically be achieved without efficient carbon capture and storage technology
said Christopher J. Wiernicki, ABS Chairman, President and CEO.
The injection system will be installed and operated on a floating offshore platform, receiving CO2 from visiting gas carriers. The system will be equipped with a powerless CO2 heating circuit where the heating medium is circulated in a closed loop using seawater and without an external power source.
This is designed to improve efficiency and allow the capture of the emitted gas to be stored underground on-site.
Hyundai Heavy Industries Group and ABS are focused on the potential to grow the offshore CCS business to support future shipbuilding and the marine industry
added Sungjoon Kim, Senior Executive Vice President & CTO of Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering.