SAFETY4SEA is happy to announce that the second CAREER4SEA Conference will be held on Saturday, 8 December 2018, at the Eugenides Foundation, Athens. Greece, from 10:30 to 17:30, a pro bono event which aims to highlight industry dynamics and career opportunities in shipping industry for the young generation.
In what is considered to be the world’s first of its type in the maritime field, the event is expected to attract a wide number of delegates, focusing mostly on the youth sector as the game changer for the shipping industry, an industry which forms the backbone of the Greek economy.
Several maritime career experts from the operational, technical, training and HR department of well-known shipping companies, as well as seagoing personnel and maritime education experts will constitute an interesting and diversified panel to unfold thought-provoking perspectives for young people interested in the industry.
Namely, discussions will include career prospects at shipping managers offices, at shipping service providers offices and, last but not least, career perspectives onboard.
The Conference is addressed to teen high school students who have yet to form a professional identity or career planning, in a bid to unveil for this audience the hidden world of shipping as a career prospect.
Additionally, the Conference will also benefit University Students, either their studies are related to shipping or not, to keep them up to date with the latest developments in the field of maritime labor market or unfold new opportunities for them.
The event will also be addressed to the younger generation, either still studying or seeking career opportunities, to inform them that there are dynamic prospects in this sector.
This will be the second CAREER4SEA Conference, organized by SAFETY4SEA, following the inaugural and very successful CAREER4SEA held in December 2015, attracting a total of 1,200 delegates. As in the first event, discussions will be conducted in Greek.
Above all, the key goal of the event is to remind to the next generation that there is availability of workplaces in the maritime world, not only in corporate offices, but also at sea. SAFETY4SEA is looking forward to welcome you in this innovative and groundbreaking effort to bring young people to shipping!
Explore more at event dedicated webpage