The quality of a BWTS project is related to its cost: neither a low nor a high final bill but the successful commissioning and certification of a BWTS, finished at the pre-estimated date and at the pre-estimated cost, make a quality project. As such, Argo Navis shares experience feedback from BWTS retrofits, citing the key steps for operators in order to reduce costs without affecting the quality.
#1 Prepare
- Select an experience consultant to carry out feasibility study and/or other studies or 3D scanning.
- Do not order the system before the feasibility study.
- Select simple designs
#2 Plan in advance
The more time you dedicate to preparations, the less time you spend in the shipyard.
Checklist for proper preparation
- Order equipment
- Accept final design
- Contact Class
- Review Shipyards’ offers
- Order spares
- Sign contracts
- Arrange transportation
- Arrange service engineers
- Contact local agents
#3 Specify
BWTS retrofit is a complicated project. It is a combination of piping, structural and electrical modifications. During BWTS retrofit, modifications are required in existing equipment (i.e.: MSB, VRC, AMS, Pumps).Do not forget to order spares and arrange service engineers. Send the full specs to the shipyards and not only drawings. Small things make the difference.
#4 Act Proactively
A lot of works can be performed and completed prior ship’s arrival. Maximize the amount of prefabrications.
#5 Engage
Have kick-off meetings at the shipyards well in advance of ship’s arrival. Shipyard’s supervisors, designers’ project engineers, BWTS makers representatives, Class surveyors should participate
#6 Lead
Ship’s Superintendent Engineer is the project manager. Close co-operation with designers, BWTS makers, shipyard’s managers and Class surveyor is also needed
#7 Control
Control the inventory of Owner’s supplied items and BWTS Maker’s equipment. This should be performed upon their arrival to the shipyard. Do not forget the logistics.
#8 Communicate
Usually BWTS retrofit will be performed during scheduled ship repairs; therefore confusion should be avoided. Shipyard should provide a dedicated person for the BWTS retrofit
#9 Avoid being the first
It takes time to any shipyard to understand the volume of the works and the peculiarities of each installation. Shipyards with previous experience in BWTS retrofits should be selected
#10 Act Smart
Prefer to send sister vessels to the same shipyard. Practice has proven that 2nd time at the same shipyard is faster than the 1st.
X Reduce the engineering study deliverables and design effort
X Start the process too late – at least 6~8 months in advance are needed
X Be misled by very low prices offered by shipyards
X Be misled by very short retrofit periods promised by shipyards
X Underestimate the time required for transportation of equipment Ex-WORKS to the shipyard and local authorities / customs requirements