Over 70% of the respondents of MarTID (Maritime Training Insights Database) survey initiative, World Maritime University (WMU) expect an increase in simulators and e-learning in the coming years. In year 2019, traditional classroom teaching, and simulation training are the most popular training methods for operators, while there has been much debate about whether e-learning in maritime industry works or not. Some believe there is no replacement for hands-on training, others believe there is.
Benefits of Hands-on training:
- Provides the context and experience
- Offers repeated practice
- Offers interaction with peers and instructors
- Provides tactile feedback
- Provides realistic work conditions
- Helps avoid the risks associated with novice crew mistakes
Benefits of E-learning:
- Provides variety of training scenarios
- Provides control and better management of the training activities
- Aligns with the technological advancements and digital landscape
- Has the minimum cost
- Meets the generation Z alternative ways of thinking, communicating and cooperating
Training in the maritime industry, needs to be adapted to offer training without time and location constrains, directly accessible to everybody. Moreover, since maritime is an industry with demanding, constant and continuously changing training needs, e-learning is proved to be the most suitable solution for training.
Spyros Goumas, Managing Director of SQLearn says in an exclusive interview with SAFETY4SEA.
Why combining the two techniques is better than one alone?
Physical experiences can meet the digital ones in order to enhance learning practices. Shipping organisations are already changing the way of teaching and learning with platforms that connect individuals from all over the world; 3D animated marine safety videos and Virtual Reality (VR) are among the most popular digital means of training in the industry.
However, there are practical skills in maritime that cannot be taught through 3d, VR and eLearning and require hands-on training. Taken together, it’s clear that each approach offers something the other one does not.
Digital learning is not here to take over hands-on training in maritime industry but to enhance it. The real question is how we apply the strengths and advantages that e-Learning brings to maritime, an industry which requires better training and what we can do to achieve this.