The issue of social unity onboard is a big problem. As a matter of fact, seafarers not only do they want to feel part of a shipboard team, but they also need the right tools to bring people together. How can this be achieved?
1. Common goal
Every team must have a common goal to work for. By reminding everyone onboard that they are a team, a sense of responsibility will grow, leading to a sense of accomplishment and pride.
2. Interdependence
Living and working at a ship creates a very tight and-dependent group. This means that every social action has an equal and opposite reaction. For this reason, the crew must know how to use this interdependence, in order to create a community.
3. Clarity of roles
Onboard a ship everyone should be very clear on their roles and contributions. This is a team aspect that can harnessed quickly, in order for the group to achieve its goal; provided that everyone does their job.
4. Satisfaction from cooperation
While at sea it can be difficult to truly appreciate the benefits of mutual working. Despite their importance, they are onlu visible when things go wrong. This is when leadership comes into play, to praise anyone that is doing a good job, and motivate others do the best they can.
5. Accountability
As everyone has their role onboard a ship, everyone is also accountable for their share of constructive criticism. However, that does not mean that the crew should adopt a blame culture. Support and respect are vital for the shipboard team.
6. Realisation of everyone’s importance
It can be very easy to forget how shipboard collaboration works. As a matter of fact, its importance is again only visible during difficult times. However, seafarers must always remember that their job is part of a greater machine, which needs total cooperation.
7. Empowerment
Empowerment is based on the idea that giving employees skills, and motivation, as well as holding them accountable for their actions, will contribute to their competence and satisfaction.
8. Honest communication
Communication is the close brother of chemistry. In any team, communication is crucial to building a sense of camaraderie between members.
9. Team trust
Team members who cannot trust one other or who don’t believe in the process and goals of the team, rarely find success. Effective teams focus on solving problems.
10. Creativity
Creativeness allows a team to think outside the box. This is a necessary skill for seafarers who will have to deal with many unexpected problems in their career, and they will have to find a solution fast.