What are a few unique pieces of career advice that nobody ever mentions? What are actually beneficial to a career? Who is the most influential mentor to you? These and more we ask people of a noteworthy career to share their views and tips for an ideal path into maritime business.
Our special column, “Career Paths”, which is both featured in monthly SAFETY4SEA Log magazine and online, hosts industry experts who present briefly an overview of their personal path towards their goals and objectives.
Mrs. Karin Orsel, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), MF Shipping Group notes that industry needs a different approach on issues related to Human Element, both onboard and ashore. Although she joined the shipping industry by coincidence, she would love to do it all over again; with the same steps and mistakes because learning from failure is a key to success.
SAFETY4SEA: How did it come about that you joined shipping industry?
Karin Orsel: I joined the shipping industry by coincidence when I was 18 years young and started my own company when I was 23 years’
S4S: What about your current job/ role most excites you?
K.O.: Besides being the CEO of the MF Shipping group, I am active as a Co- President of the Dutch Ship Owners Association, Vice Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping, Board of Trustee member of the ISWAN, Council member of Intertanko and WISTA International Ambassador. Being part of all these associations and organizations is an essential part of my job. It gives me satisfaction because I can make a difference not only for my own company but for a larger whole by being part of policy makers
S4S: What would you like to change in the current maritime landscape?
K.O.: Our society is changing and so needs our industry, change however starts with ourselves. We need be proactive on topics that are related to the Human Element, both within company cultures or the culture on board of vessels. Every individual wants to be treated with dignity and respect. We should not tolerate misbehavior, treat everybody equal and have policies in place and not les important act accordingly.
S4S:Who is/was the most influential person to you & why ?
K.O.: My dad was my best friend and greatest role model. He unfortunately passed away at young age. It was my father who taught me to value myself.
S4S: Best piece of advice you’ve been given?
K.O.: Stay close to yourself, you are authentic and don’t let others influence you or try to change who you are.
S4S: If you could tell your 18-year-old-self one thing, what would it be?
K.O.: Do it all over again, in other words- I would absolute want to enter this industry again and also take the same steps to start my own business. It’s easy to say that I would not want to make the same mistakes, however one learns the best lessons in life from mistakes.
S4S:What is your personal motto?
K.O.: Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.
Abour Karin Orsel
At the age of 23, Karin Orsel was one of the founders of MF Shipping Group, an organization she has lead as CEO and majority shareholder since 2001. MF Shipping Group, while started with one client, 6 vessels and 50 crewmembers, it has now grown into a substantial ship owning and ship management company, employing more than 1,000 crewmembers on 52 vessels. Besides running her own company Karin is an active board member in a number of national and international associations.