During World Water Week from 26 to 31 of August, senior corporate representatives will bring industry perspectives and examples on addressing the linkages between land and sea and implementing Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 14.
Namely, the World Ocean Council (WOC) will be Chairing a Session on Business Leadership in Tackling Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution during this week.
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The session will convene on 27 August in Stockholm, focusing on “Water, ecosystems and human development”. Decision-makers will gather to come up with solutions to the most pressing water-related challenges of today.
One such challenge regards the ramifications of land-based activities for freshwater, marine and coastal systems, which damage ecosystem health and various aspects of sustainable development. The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have proposed to address this by “improving water quality by reducing pollution by 2030” (Goal 6.3), and by “preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds by 2025” (Goal 14.1).
In fact, industry organizations have begun to recognize the importance of the linkages between land and sea in their operations, and of cross-sectoral leadership and collaboration in ensuring that efforts by individual companies and sectors achieve the synergies necessary to address these challenges.