AMSA launched its Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2019-2022, highlighting its principles on equal employment opportunity to include targeted initiatives for groups who are less represented in the industry.
Specifically, this includes, but is not limited to:
- Women
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Intergenerational workforce
- People with disabilities
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people.
Moreover, the Authority has made positive steps in terms of boosting women’s presence in the workforce, following its Diversity Plan 2014-2017.
Specifically, AMSA’s diversity profile has seen:
- 39% of employees being women, achieving a 5.1% increase since September 30, 2014;
- 22.2% of executives and senior manager positions being served by women, noting a 11.7% rise since September 30, 2014;
- 0.7% of employees are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, decreasing by 0.1% from September 30, 2014;
- 19.7% of employees being aged under 35, establishing an increase of 3.2% since September 30, 2014;
- 24.2% of employees being 55 and more, rising by 0.4% since September 30, 2014.
AMSA is also a proud employer of people from other diversity groups including people with disabilities, people from CALD backgrounds and LGBTIQA+ people.
Thus, to improve even more its future workplace diversity, AMSA’s 2019-2022 plan has three priorities:
- Increase representation of underrepresented groups: women and women in leadership; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; other diversity groups;
- Retain emerging talent and job knowledge;
- Ensure an inclusive and flexible culture.
For more information on AMSA’s plan you may click herebelow