Crisis Communications; Experience from recent incidents
Ilias Bissias, University of the Aegean, covered issues regarding crisis communications and presented experience feedback from recent incidents, during 2013 SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum
The 2013 SAFETY4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfully concluded on Wednesday 2nd of October 2013 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting more than 670 delegates representing 280 organizations.
The event organized by SQE MARINE Group and sponsored by Aspida Maritime Security, Transmar Shipping, Dorian Hellas, Seamar Management SA, The Marshall Islands Registry, MARITECH, CLEAN MARINE, MAGSAYSAY, Hellenic Register of Shipping, T&T Salvage, SQE MARINE, SQE ACADEMY and supported by Steamship Mutual, MARTECMA, Green Award Foundation, NAMEPA, InterManager, IFSMA, EENMA, WISTA Hellas and The American P&I Club
For more information about the Forum, click here